About Chris

You're here, you enjoy his posts, you have probably even considered asking Chris to marry you.  The only thing left for you to do is get to know a little about him!

Chris is just your average outdoors-crazed fishing guru with a passion for helping others escape their predicaments and experience the freedom we all were meant to have!

Passion drives everything Chris does; his parents knew he had it when at seven years of age, Chris declared that he would grow up to be a Navy SEAL, marry Charlize Theron (still the goal Charlize) and be a millionaire by the time he turned 25!

Whether sitting in a local Starbucks, standing along the banks of the Snohomish river, or reading about his latest hobby, you can be sure that Chris is up to something big!

Chris began his Network Marketing career early in 2010 under the guidance and mentorship (is that even a word) of several industry legends.  After going through a period of intense growth and learning, it was off to the races!  "Get back to basics and shift into fifth gear" is the motto by which Chris engages in his profession!

If you would like to work with him, please contact Chris at: