Friday, October 8, 2010

Panning for Gold

Most of us have a funnel of some sorts designed to put everyone into, to funnel them into our business in a step-by-step duplicatable manner that minimizes the amount of time we spend with people who are not a good fit for this business.

I was talking with a fellow network marketer down at Starbucks today and noticed that the paradigm that this gentleman had on our prospecting funnels, is absolutely incorrect. After noticing this I went online and read what other people were posting, all the same!

Apparently there is this widespread belief (probably from the imagery presented by the word "funnel") that these systems are designed to incrementally increase a person's exposure to the business, and convince our prospects that we are right for them!!!

This baffles me, the old saying goes that network marketing is right for everybody, but everybody is not right for network marketing. Because anyone could be your next big business builder, we can't rule anybody out, therefor we have to have a method of finding out who is right for our business. Our funnels are supposed to siphon OUT people that are wrong for our business without us wasting a lot of time on them!

Most people dump their prospects into the "funnel" thinking it will convince people to join. This paradigm creates disappointment when you have a dry spell and the system doesn't "convince" enough people. Do yourself a favor and look at it this way, your sponsoring process is like a gold pan and you are the one doing the panning.

It allows you to pick up a ton of crud then quickly and efficiently wash the dirt/silt off to uncover the heavier rocks and gold at the bottom.

The rocks and the gold represent people who are seriously considering starting their own home based business.

The rocks in particular represent people who aren't interested in Network Marketing, couldn't get behind your company, or aren't coachable. These people on the surface will look like great prospects, but once you interact with them more and give them more information, you will learn that they just aren't right for your business.

Don't waste your time selling sand on your opportunity in order to turn it into gold, follow a system that washes the sand/silt out quickly and uncovers the rocks and the gold! Work with the rocks and the gold to determine who is right for your business (gold).

Your job is to sift through the mess!

Stay Blessed!
Chris Widener Jr.

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